Welcome to our new web site, and thank you so much for your patronage for the last 50 years. Our Company motto, The Dawn Of New Ideas, is not just a catchy slogan - it’s our way of life. We take our responsibility to you, and the environment, very seriously.
For half a century, we’ve been striving to take great care of you. To solve your problems, improve the health and wellness of your facility, reduce your expenses, all with a forever conscious eye on our environment. The preservation of clean air and water in our environment is why we feature trees and a sunset so prominently on our North Woods® label.
We are extremely honored that you have trusted us for 50 years. From our humble garage beginnings, to operations now in 50 states – we will never rest on our laurels. We are a 3rd generation strong Company committed to serving you. Welcome home to the north woods, thank you for your support, and may God bless all of you.